Double-up your earnings, multi-collects are here.
You can get matched with multiple offers in a similar location, saving you time and gas, and helping you earn more efficiently.
Plus, you’ll still get to keep 100% of the tips, and any applicable subsidies for both offers.
Here are the deets to help you deliver multi-collect orders like a pro:
Two are better than one
While collecting orders, you should let the restaurant know that you will be collecting multiple orders at once in order to avoid unnecessary delays. The same process applies to alcohol orders.
It’s in the bag
Remember all orders need to be stored in your thermal bag. If you cannot fit the orders in your bag, please chat with us for assistance. Don’t forget to zip the bag so the food is at the right temperature until its delivered to the customer.
Double-check order numbers
When delivering, remember to make sure that you are giving the correct order to each customer.
What’s the hold-up?
If you are being held up at the first customer’s location, it means another customer is left waiting, please reach out to us ASAP.
Stalled due to restaurant delays, be sure to update your status on the app correctly. Reimbursements are calculated as one order.
Get on the fast track
Fast Track Offer Matching means that the higher your Acceptance Rate, the more likely an offer will be matched to you. When you accept a Multi-Collects order, each offer counts towards your Acceptance Rate.
Cherry-pick an offer
You always have the option to accept or decline any offer that’s matched to you. Declining an offer does not impact your ability to offer delivery services on the network nor does it affect your future shifts.
However, for Multi-Collect orders, if you do not want to complete one of the orders, you will need to reject both orders or contact us to remove both orders.
Please chat with us in the app if you need support
Multi-collect orders are treated as two separate orders for acceptance rating. So, declining a multi-collect with two orders will negatively impact your acceptance rate twice.
Delivery Concerns
If you encounter trouble while delivering multi-collect orders, you can simply use the chat function or call us. For concerns not pertaining to a live order, email us at
Excited to double up earnings? Start picking up open shifts. No additional steps are required to receive double orders, just grab your thermal bag and get on the road.